A little more than a year ago when I had my heart attack and essentially rose from the dead I thought things will never be the same. And they are not. As a matter of fact mostly everything is different. I no longer smoke, I eat a lot better, I exercise more (still not enough) and I even changed my career path all to spend more time on what matters most, Happy Living!
I hung up my hat as President of Watermark in order to not spend as much time traveling and more time sleeping in my own bed. To spend less time stressing over missed connections, lost hotel reservations and missing my wife and kids for the life of a local rep in Florida. It so far has proven to be a great move for me and my family and I can't believe I waited until this point to do it. Don't get me wrong I miss certain aspects of my former career like the friends I have made worldwide over the last 20 years but true friendships will never die. I have missed the control of making decisions on my own, but I don't miss the stress of those decisions. The beauty of my industry is it is very tight knit and everyone knows each other, which also is the ugly side of my industry. But through thick or thin the support and love that I have felt by most is the driving force behind what I do everyday. It is the thought of providing for my family that makes me who I am. Not the financial type of providing but the love type of support. The daddy type of support and the husband my wife thought she was marrying 16 years ago today.
So while Happy Selling is important it is worthless without Happy Living!
Happy Selling!